Email Automation

CentreCRM includes a powerful ability to automatically send emails to Contacts at specified times.

Email automation is specified on a per-Task basis, either within Jobs or Recurring Jobs.

Automating Emails

To activate email automation:
  1. Click Edit on the Task you wish to add email automation to
  2. Change Email automation status to Enabled
This will reveal further options for you to fill in regarding how email automation works.

Proceed to complete the required fields as follows:
  • Mail Template - Select the Mail Template the email will use when it is sent
  • When - You can decide to send the email when the Task first becomes active, or when the Task is complete
  • Repeat Times - How many times the email should be sent
  • Repeat Every - The time between sending repeat emails
  • Recipients - Contacts you wish to send the emails to
You can also optionally check Automatically stop further execution when task marked as complete to prevent further emails being sent when a Task is completed.